Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

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Asan, A. (2007). Concept Mapping in Science Class: A Case Study of fifth grade students. Educational Technology & Society, 10
(1), 186-195.
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Concept Mapping in Science Class: A Case Study of fifth grade students
Askin Asan
Department of Instructional and Learning Technologies, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman
Tel:+968 954 12802
The purpose of this research project was to determine the effects of incorporating concept mapping on the
achievement of fifth grade students in science class. The study was conducted with twenty-three students at Ata
Elementary School, Trabzon, Turkey. The students were tested with teacher-constructed pre- and post tests
containing 20 multiple-choice questions. The pupils in the experimental and control groups were exposed to the
same teaching techniques covering a unit on heat and temperature. They were given the same pretest after the
initial lessons. However, after the pretest, the control group was given a traditional oral review of the material
and the experimental group was exposed to the review by the use of Inspiration, which is computer based
concept mapping tool. After these reviews, the students on both groups were given the posttest. Test scores were
analyzed for any statistically significantly difference in the scores on the test. The results from present study
indicate that concept mapping has a noticeable impact on student achievement in science classes.
Computer based concept mapping, Concept mapping, Inspiration, Science education
Concept maps are spatial representations of concepts and their interrelationships that are intended to represent the
knowledge structures that humans store in their minds (Jonassen, Beissner, & Yacci, 1993). Joseph D. Novak of
Cornell University is considered to be the one who, in the 1960s, started the systematic use of concept mapping for
learning (Novak, 1993). His work was based on two important ideas in Ausubel’s (1968) assimilation theory of
cognitive learning:
􀂾 Most new learning occurs through derivative and correlative subsumption of new concept meanings under
existing concept or propositional frameworks. Learning that is meaningful involves reorganization of existing
beliefs or integration of new information with existing information.
􀂾 Cognitive structure is organized hierarchically, with new concepts or concept meanings being subsumed under
broader, more inclusive concepts.
The theoretical framework that supports the use of concept mapping is consistent with constructivist epistemology
and cognitive psychology. Constructivism is a major influence in current science education.
Concept mapping is a method to visualize the structure of knowledge. Since the knowledge expressed in the maps is
mostly semantic, concept maps are sometimes called semantic networks. Often it is claimed that concept mapping
bears a similarity to the structure of long-term memory. Instead of describing all concepts and their relations in text,
one may choose to draw a map indicating concepts and relations in a graph or network. Visual representation has
several advantages. Visual symbols are quickly and easily recognized, and this can be demonstrated by considering
the large amount of logos, maps, arrows, road signs, and icons that most of us can recall with little effort. Visual
representation also allows the development of a holistic understanding that words alone cannot convey, because the
graphical form allows representations of parts and whole in a way that is not available in sequential structure of text
(Lawson, 1994).
The traditional way of constructing concept maps uses paper and pencil. With the rapid development of Information
and Communication Technologies (ICT), a number of computer-assisted concept mapping systems have been
proposed (Fisher, 1990). Concept mapping tools are computer-based, visualizing tools for developing representations
of semantic networks in memory. Essential for concept mapping tools is their ability to elicit the right level of
complexity and detail in the student's exploration (Kommers, 1995). Programs such as SemNet, Learning Tool,
Inspriation, Mind Mapper, and many others, enable learners to interrelate the ideas that they are studying in
multidimensional networks of concepts, to label the relationships between those concepts, and to describe the nature
of the relationships between all of the ideas in the network.
In science education, concept mapping has been widely recommended and used in a variety of ways. It has been used
to help teachers and students to build an organized knowledge base in a given discipline (Pankratius, 1990) or on a
given topic (Kopec, Wood & Brody, 1990). It has been used to facilitate middle level students’ (sixth, seventh, and
eighth grade) learning of science content (Guastello et al., 2000; Hawk, 1986; Ritchie & Volkl, 2000; Simmons et
al., 1988; Willerman & Mac Harg, 1991; Sungur et al., 2001; Duru and Gurdal 2002). Findings from these studies
indicate that the concept mapping is an effective tool for aiding student comprehension and retention of science
material. Additionally, students using concept maps scored higher on posttests than students receiving more
traditional types of instruction. Furthermore, concept mapping has been used to assess what the learner knows
(Wandersee, 1987), and to reveal unique thought processes (Cohen, 1987). The development of science curriculum
(Starr & Krajcik, 1990) and the evaluation of instructional activities for promoting conceptual understanding
(Kinnear, Gleeson & Comerford, 1985) are some other applications of concept mapping. In addition, concept
mapping has been used to promote positive self- concepts, positive attitudes toward science (Novak & Gowin, 1984)
and increased responsibility for learning (Gurley, 1982).
Also the benefits of concept mapping tools across several content areas (social studies, mathematics, Spanish as a
second language, vocabulary, reading, and writing), multiple grade levels (first through senior high school), and
different student populations (regular education students and students with learning disabilities) have been verified in
the following several experimental studies.
Concept mapping tools allows students to customize maps in ways that are not possible using paper-and-pencil.
Anderson-Inman and Zeith (1993) compare the use of the concept mapping program Inspiration with the paper-andpencil
approach and found that using this program encourages revisions to the concept map because deletions,
additions, and changes are accomplished quickly and easily. Especially young students who still struggle with handwriting
skills benefit greatly from concept mapping tools.
Four studies (Alvermann & Boothby, 1983; Alvermann & Boothby, 1986; Armbruster et al., 1991; Griffin et al.,
1995) in the area of social studies used concept mapping tool to help students organize information from expository
texts and comprehend content area reading. All four studies were conducted with either fourth- or fifth-grade
students. Findings from these studies concluded that concept mapping tool helped students select, organize, and
recall relevant information, as measured by posttests. Students were also able to transfer thinking and learning skills
to novel situations and content.
One experimental study (Braselton & Decker, 1994) with sixth-grade mathematics students found concept mapping
tools to be advantageous in the improvement of students’ problem-solving skills. Another study (DeWispelaere &
Kossack, 1996) in a junior high and high school Spanish as a second language class found that concept mapping tool
improved students’ higher order thinking skills as measured by performance on chapter quizzes, tests, and student
Three studies (Bos & Anders, 1992; Ritchie & Volkl, 2000; Griffin et al., 1995) examined the effects of graphic
organizers on retention and recall. Overall findings of the three studies indicated that graphic organizers are a helpful
method for improving student retention and recall of information for both elementary and junior high students with
learning disabilities, as well as upper elementary students (fifth and sixth grade). Follow-up tests at various intervals
following instruction found that students retained information they learned via graphic organizers. In one study,
graphic organizers were also found to help students transfer retention and recall skills to new situations (Griffin et
al., 1995).
The above-referred research increasingly supports the idea that the use of concept mapping tools can extend and
enrich students’ learning in science and technology in important and unique ways. Starting from 2005-2006
academic years, the total length of the elementary education combined with the high school education has increased
from eleven to twelve years in Turkey. This was done to comply with the education chapter of EU membership
negotiation process that was started on November 3, 2005. In this new process, The Ministry of National Education
of Turkey is obligating the schools to apply the newly developed science and technology curriculum. According to
this new curriculum every student must develop a thorough knowledge of basic science concepts, which they can
apply in a wide range of situations. The students must also develop the broad-based skills that are so important for
effective functioning in the world of work: they must learn to identify and analyze problems and to explore and test
solutions in a wide variety of contexts. This firm conceptual base and these essential skills are at the heart of the
newly developed science and technology curriculum and must be the focus of teaching and learning in the classroom.
In the light of preceding introduction on the concept mapping, we can conclude that, in the world of science,
concepts are very inter-related, and many concepts are built on many others, and therefore concept mapping would
be very useful in the science classroom as a learning tool. It is well known that concept mapping tools has been
widely recommended and used in a variety of ways in science education in advance countries such as UK, USA, or
Japan. But it is still new method and not adapted by science teachers in Turkey. The reason could be the problems in
developing Novak's style concept maps in Turkish caused by linguistic differences between Turkish and English.
But adapting concept maps to Turkish is possible (Bagci Kilic, 2003). This research paper aimed to investigate the
effects of incorporating concept mapping on achievement and attitudes of fifth grade students in science classes. It is
expected that the findings of this research will encourage science teachers to incorporate concept maps into their
teaching and will help them to adopt new techniques to evaluate concept maps. The findings of this research will
assist science teachers with developing new skills to apply the newly developed science and technology curriculum
in Turkey.
It is hypothesized that there will be a statistically significant difference between 5th grade students who are exposed
to concept mapping by using Inspiration program in addition to regular teaching practices as opposed to those who
are not exposed to concept mapping tool with respect to academic achievement. It is also hypothesized that concept
mapping as an instructional tool has a positive effect on students' attitudes.
Research Design
The point of this research project was to determine the effects of using Inspiration concept mapping program on
student achievement of fifth grade students. A Nonequivalent Control Group Design was used. The independent
variable was the incorporation of Inspiration concept mapping program into the instruction. The dependent variable
of the experiment was the level of student achievement on the posttest; that was determined by a teacher-made test.
Participants in this study were 23 fifth-grade students enrolled in science classes during the spring of 2005 in Ata
Elementary School in Trabzon, TURKEY. Of the students who participated, 51% were female and 49% were male.
Three instruments were used in this study: 1) Multiple Choice Test, 2) Concept Map Scoring Rubric, and 3) Student
Interview Questions.
1) Multiple Choice Test: Comprehension of concepts in Heat and Temperature covered by the unit was measured by
a teacher-constructed paper and pencil test. In designing multiple-choice test, the teacher, in consultation with the
researcher, first reviewed all pertinent information: instructional objectives, teacher class notes, lesson plans, and
study guides given to the students. Based on this information and the teacher’s knowledge of what had actually
transpired in class, a table of specifications was constructed (Linn and Gronlund, 1995). Using this table, the teacher
wrote all test items related to a list of concepts to be used by students in concept map preparation process. The test
was consisted of 20 multiple-choice questions. The questions were worth five points each and the tests were rated on
a 100-point scale. Reliability and validity were established prior to the start of the study by the following procedures:
pre- and posttest was provided to five teachers who have at least five years of teaching experience in science. These
teachers evaluated the multiple-choice test to make sure that the questions are aligned with the course content and
level. The science teachers also evaluated the instruments for readability. The questions on the pre-test and post-test
were similar.
Figure 1. Concept map representing a heat and temperature unit
2) Concept Map Scoring Rubric: Concurrent with the development of the multiple-choice items, the list of concepts
developed for students to use on their concept maps. 22 concepts were identified. For each concept, a positive score
(+1) was given if the stem concept was linked accurately to the correct answer, and a score (-1) recorded if a linking
error was made. If one of the concepts were missing from the map, a score 0 was indicated. To obtain a score +1,
students had to have all essential stem concepts linked to answer concepts somewhere on their maps.
3) Student Interview Question: Affective data were collected by interviewing all students in experimental group
approximately 3 weeks after the end of the study. One open-ended question was used to assess the students’ reactions
to concept mapping process. Students were asked to describe their feelings while drawing concept maps in science
class. Negative and positive comments were analyzed.
This study was conducted over a five-day period during classes that meet for ninety minutes each day. A total of 23
students were randomly divided into two groups: the experimental group and the control group. Both groups were
covered the same material as outlined in the class textbook, regarding the chapter that covers heat and temperature.
The teacher introduced the chapter and the objectives for learning to the control group; the rest of the week
proceeded as follows: days 1 through 3 included lecture, overhead transparencies, and a unit worksheet. Day 4
included the 60-minute pre-test followed by an oral review of the week’s material. Oral review also included
question-answer session and discussion of the important concepts identified by students. In day 5 students
completed the 60-minute posttest. In the experimental group students were exposed to a short lesson in computer lab
on concept mapping and the proper procedures for creating concept maps by using Inspiration program. Shortly
thereafter the students were placed into groups of three and given a short activity in the computer lab to determine if
they understand the process of concept mapping. Once this was complete the teacher introduced the chapter and the
objectives for learning to the experimental group; the rest of the week proceeded as follows: days 1 through 3
included lecture, overhead transparencies, and a unit worksheet. Day 4 included the 60-minutes pre-test. Concept
mapping process began with a discussion session. A short list of 22 concepts was produced during class discussion.
After that, the students worked individually to draw maps of these concepts on computer screen by using Inspiration
program. Figure 1 shows an example of concept maps that is generated by one of the students in the experimental
group. These maps were graded for purposes of regular class assessment based on the number of correct linkage
between two terms or concepts via a directional arrow on which an appropriate label had been placed. In day 5,
students completed the 60-minutes posttest. All activities and materials were the same for each group with the
exception of the use of Inspiration concept mapping tool with the experimental group.
Pre-posttest results
As it is seen from Table 1, pre and posttest results for control group students indicate that there was no statistically
significant difference between two groups at alpha level of 0.05.
Table 1. Pre and Posttest Results of Control Group
Control Group Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean t Sig.(2-tailed)
PRETEST 65,0000 10 6,66667 2,10819
POSTTEST 67,0000 10 8,88194 2,80872 -,667 ,522
Table 2. Pre and Posttest Results of Experimental Group
Experimental Group Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean t Sig. (2-tailed)
PRETEST 65,0000 13 8,66025 2,40192
POSTTEST 83,0769 13 8,54850 2,37093 -5,598 ,000
Table 2 illustrates statistical analysis of pre and posttest results for experimental group students. At the end of the
study, experimental group performed in a statistically significant manner at alpha level of 0.05. The experimental
group achieved a higher mean score in posttest. The t test results indicate that the improvement in scores from the
pretest to the posttest was significant ( t = -5,598 p<0.05).
Students’ Concept Map Scores
13 concept maps were examined and student scores were recorded by using scoring rubric. If one or more of the
concepts were missing from the map, a score of 0 was given. To obtain a score other than 0 in this category, students
had to have all essential stem and answer concepts somewhere on their maps. A positive score (+1) was given if the
stem concept was linked accurately to the correct answer, and a negative score (-1) recorded if a linking error was
made. The results of scoring for the maps of thirteen students are reported in Table 3.
Table 3. Students’ Concept Map Scores
Concepts S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13
Heat +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 -1 +1
Temperature +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 -1
Unit of heat +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Unit of Temperature +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Kinetic Energy +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Heat Energy +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1
Electrical Energy +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Heat Transfer +1 0 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0 +1 +1
Convection +1 0 +1 +1 0 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1
Conduction +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Radiation +1 -1 +1 +1 -1 +1 0 +1 +1 0 +1 +1 +1
Reflection +1 +1 +1 0 0 +1 +1 0 +1 +1 +1 0 +1
Insulation +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Phase Changing +1 +1 +1 +1 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0 +1 +1
Boiling Point 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1
Evaporation +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 0 +1
Expansion +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0 +1 +1
Condensation +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1
Freezing +1 +1 +1 +1 0 +1 +1 +1 0 +1 +1 +1 +1
Cooling +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Melting +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0 +1 +1 0 +1 +1 +1 0
Fuel +1 +1 +1 0 +1 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Total Score 20 14 16 16 14 18 13 21 14 17 17 16 15
% 90 63 72 72 63 81 59 95 63 77 77 72 68
Average 73
+1: Correct -1: Incorrect 0: Not on the Map
S1: Student 1
Relationship between Concept Map Scores and Multiple Choice Scores
On unit test, two subgroups of multiple choice items were identified: map related, or those items built from several
concepts on the concept list; and other or those items that could not be linked as completely to the concept list. 8
map-related multiple choice test items were identified. Scoring rubric was used for these eight items. Students’
concept map scores were correlated with the scores identified as map-related (multiple choice questions which could
also be answered on the maps). As it is seen from Table 4 the correlations between map scores and the scores on the
map-related multiple-choice items on the unit test varied from .4 to .7. The correlations were generally high. The
strength of the relationship between concept map scores and multiple-choice scores provides strong evidence for the
content validity of the concept map scores. These results indicate that students were performing quite similarly on
the concept map items and multiple choice items designed to measure similar content. It can be concluded that the
concept map scores were indicators of students’ knowledge of content, which had been emphasized during
Table 4. Comparison of answers of related multiple-choice items with concept map answers
Map-Related Concepts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pearson
S1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0,6
S2 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 0,4
S3 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 +1 0 +1 +1 0,6
S4 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 0,7
S5 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 0,6
S6 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 1
S7 +1 +1 +1 0 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0,4
S8 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0 -1 -1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 0 +1 +1 0,6
S9 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 0,7
S10 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0 +1 0 +1 +1 0,6
S11 +1 +1 +1 0 -1 -1 +1 0 +1 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 0,6
S12 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 -1 0 -1 -1 +1 +1 0,4
S13 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 0 -1 +1 +1 +1 0,7
MC: Multiple Choice Test CM: Concept Map
Students’ Reactions to Concept Mapping
Table.5. Summary of student reactions to concept mapping in science class (n =13)
Student Responses n %
Helpful 7 54
Fun 8 61
Easy 8 61
Difficult 4 30
Difficult but helpful 1 7
Boring 1 7
Concept mapping was generally perceived in a positive light by students in the study. Students generally (%54)
found the concept maps very helpful for organizing ideas. According to the students, using Inspiration helped them
to understand the material. For example S6 indicated that using Inspiration gave him opportunity to develop better
understanding about the topic and seeing how concepts are and/or connected. S4 indicated that as a result of making
links between concepts, they began to really understand and search out interrelationships between concepts that
created new meaning for them. S11 described that finding the connections was a way of double-checking his
understanding of new material. %61 of students indicated that working with Inspiration was fun and enjoyable
experience. According to the students, the ease and flexibility of the Inspiration made learning an enjoyable. As S9
reported “I enjoy trying to get each concept and make them relate”. Students also enjoyed creating a visual
representation of concepts. A large percentage of the participants (%61) expressed that learning to use Inspiration
and linking the related concepts was an easy process. Only one student expressed difficulty in developing maps. S2
indicated that mapping as a learning strategy was too demanding and took up too much time. Also S12 reported that
mapping was difficult but was helpful at the same time.
This study provides an additional insight into prior research conducted in concept mapping and its effect on learning.
The findings reveal that concept mapping has a noticeable impact on student achievement and student attitudes.
Further, although results of the learning outcomes are encouraging, the results are by no means conclusive, because
of the weakness of the metrics for attitude assessment, and longitudinal studies that explore student attitudes toward
the use of concept maps will be helpful to understand students’ developing conceptual knowledge.
This study has implications especially for science teachers in Turkey where science curriculum is being redeveloped
and mainly based on concept acquisition. Using concept mapping tools in science classes will help students to
develop better understanding of important concepts. Students in this study demonstrated that concept maps helped
them to understand the learning processes of developing interrelationships, creating meaning schemes and
constructing knowledge bases. Once they were able to learn in this fashion and explain their own learning, they were
much better prepared to function in future science courses. The biggest challenge for science teachers is changing
teaching approaches to incorporate what we know about effective and meaningful learning. Using concept maps
necessitates that science teachers have a good understanding of constructivist learning and the ways in which maps
represent students’ thinking. Finally, to use mapping science teachers need to be willing to foster an approach to
learning as meaning construction. This means that the focus of courses shifts from teaching and presenting
information to learning and creating meaning.
This study was conducted with limited number of students. Concept mapping has been approved to be an effective
learning strategy in science education in advance countries. Such studies that will have been carried in developing
countries should include larger sample sizes in order to determine the most efficient means of using concept mapping
tools for maximum benefit and identify the possible effects of gender differences and cultural bias.
Concept mapping tools offer another means to create the necessary "minds-on" environment that distinguishes
coherent science instruction from a series of isolated activities. Concept mapping requires the learner to make an
effort to understand concept meanings, organize concepts hierarchically and form meaningful relationships between
concepts to form a coherent, integrated network of the material learned. Engaging the learner in such constructive
and transformative cognitive operations during learning enhances memory and recall for the material learned.
According to research, students better remember information when it's represented and learned both visually and
verbally. Concept mapping tools are based on proven visual learning methodologies that help students think, learn
and achieve. Visual learning is absorbing information from illustrations, photos, diagrams, graphs, symbols, icons
and other visual models. By representing information spatially and with images, students are able to focus in
meaning and recognize and group similar ideas easily. The use of concept mapping as a learning tool should
therefore be more widely encouraged.
In summary, this study indicates that concept maps can effectively promote learning of students and thus, can be
added to the teaching strategies of science teachers. The maps contribute to student success, foster a long-term
change in thinking, and contribute to changing students’ learning strategies. The maps support both constructivist
teaching and learning approaches and may have wider applicability to the work world as well.
This study was conducted in Ata Elementary School, Trabzon, Turkey during the spring of 2005. In these days, I was
working at Karadeniz Technical University. I want to thank the principle of Ata Elementary School, Mr. R. Kural,
for offering me the perfect research environment.
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